As a busy, and sometimes maxed out business owner, we often have to weigh out priorities, cutting out important things for seemingly more important things. But is that wise? What should you be prioritizing?
I would like to share about an impromptu conversation I had with a busy business owner today. This conversation prompted this post because I see this area as lacking in the many, possibly the majority, causing them ultimately to make decisions they think they should make for reasons they think they should. These choices DO NOT resonate with who they really are. They do not align with their core values. They conflict with their purpose and diminish their drive.
Years ago I worked with a company who did not understand this, nor did they understand how to encourage and motivate me. They would attempt to motivate me to work hard for the money that could be had. They would always talk about money. I like money. I need money. I have fun with excess money. I find satisfaction in my bills being paid. I am not motivated by money. It is not my core value. Not even close. This type of practice to motivate a team will demoralize someone like me. It is contrary to who I am and shifts my focus into a place that is not healthy for me, and causes me to shut down. I abhor being pushed to think about money when I am thinking about a person. They are not a dollar sign, they are a valued human being. I am not driven by money. Yet I need and want money, and will be wealthy. This is not for the sake of money. This is for the sake of freedom and choices, helping others, making a true difference. This might be giving you a clue into some of my core values.
When I spoke with the business owner, it was so uplifting and exciting to me. I was able to convey the importance of defining your core values and operating from that place FROM THE GET. Often we work too hard, trying to get to the point we think we have to be. We often think that we can then operate from a place that speaks to our core values and be the person we truly are. This is backwards and denotes a person operating with a mindset of lack. “I cannot afford to prioritize those things that were the reasons I went into business for myself, because I first have to make it in business.” I propose that when you step into who you are, operating from your strengths and core values, you will make it in business faster, avoid burnout, walk in a sense of joy, have fun in the work you have chosen that aligns with who you truly are, and you will carry a confidence you have, as of yet, not known. We must stop operating from lack. We must stop putting our truth, passion and purpose on hold. You don’t have to earn the right to work that way. It is inherent to who you are and you are hurting yourself, body, mind, soul and spirit to do it any other way.
The conversation I had today empowered me. I was able to speak some truths to this new connection of mine and add value to his life, in an unexpected way at a time I was busy doing something else. I saw a local call coming in and took it thinking it might be important. And it was.
If you have never been through the defining process of determining your core values and want to, I am putting together a workshop to walk you through the process so you can operate from a place of peace, power and passion. This will be part of the signature course I will be launching soon, but there will be a stand alone product, a workshop or DIY product.
When you operate from your core values the lie that tells you you’re a fraud has no hold. The lies that you have to measure up to someone else’s standards loses grip. You begin to find yourself feeling happier and feeling better about what you are doing, and people will be more drawn to you because you are operating in your true identity. What a beautiful thing! This is where you will shine. People will see this glow, energy or light about you that draws them to you. You will begin to attract those whom you are called to serve.
I realize this post may be a little different from what I typically share, and I am just writing it off the cuff and posting it today because it is so needed. I just had to jump on in my great desire to share this with you. Your core values are just part of your identity. It is time for the world to see you shine. The only place you grow is outside your comfort zone. Are you ready to take that leap, stretch and thrive? If you need a coach, mentor, buddy in adventure, I am here. This is what I do for people and I have a passion to see exceed their wildest expectations. Live a life you love. There is no need to put it off another moment. <3 Much love to you, my friend. This may have been written just for you, and that makes it worth my time. Be blessed!